Does Pure Water Exist?- By: Lucas Thompson

Description : Those of us who choose to live a health promoting lifestyle, try to involve pure water consumption as a factor. We are aware, to some degree or another, about the ill effects of contaminated water. We are told not to drink from the streams and are able to understand why. Plumes of smoke coming from chemical plants infiltrate our skies. These plumes mix with the water precipitation and it is rained upon us. The rain fills our streams, the streams fill our lakes, and eventually the ocean. Everything becomes contaminated.

Even in seemingly clean environments we are told not to drink the water coming from the streams. Parasites and bacteria, in those streams, supposedly cause disease.

So we turn to our municipal supply of water. But is it safe? It has now become common knowledge that there are a various amounts of contaminants coming from the faucet. From chlorine to fluoride and many other chemicals; to lead and other metals; even doses of prescription medications are now being detected. What to do?

Bottled water:

Water is a renewable resource, we will always be surrounded by water (be it contaminated or not). Oil, however, is not a renewable resource. Oil has been buried beneath us for millions of years. We have evolved, or been created to not be exposed to it. And exposed to it we have been, for about the past 100 years.

Through a scientific process, we have been able to produce plastic from oil, and since have become a plastic water bottle society. Water, being a universal solvent, enclosed in a solid container of oil, will dissolve traces of the plastic. Thus, the water in the bottle will become contaminated.

Is it safe to eat plastic?

Is it safe to inhale plastic fumes?

Which brings us to the next most pertinent question: Is it safe to drink plastic?

Not only does the production of plastic pollute our environment, but the bottle itself gets tossed and leaves billions of bottles everywhere (most, hopefully going off to be recycled). Exposure to plastics has been linked to cancer and cancer is the number one cause of death in the US. Currently one out of two people will develop cancer at some time in their life.

Put the pieces together. If you want to actively pursue health, don t be mislead by drinking bottled water.

Then what is the solution to obtaining pure drinking water? The answer is to produce it yourself.

Article Source :

Author Resource : Luke's Links provides information about producing your own water. Luke's Links: Alternative Ideas and Products for Health.